It all begun with a nervous 22 year old and a cupcake

In the year of 2018, I lived through a day that was both peculiar and life-altering. I woke up with a sudden realization that my humdrum office job was stifling my spirit and holding me back from experiencing all that life has to offer. So, I took a leap of faith and bid farewell to my monotonous routine. I then delved into my bucket list, searching for inspiration on what my next adventure should be. And, as if by magic, the answer was crystal clear: it was time for me to soar into the elusive world of porn!

Five blissful years have gone by and I've made a name for myself as the playful, humorous, and lovable hairy darling of the Australian professional porn scene. And let me tell you, it's been the ride of a lifetime. Every day on set is a celebration of life, filled with endless giggles, fun, and memories to last a lifetime.

I still blush just thinking about one particularly memorable shoot for an AFL Grand Final. We spent hours running around in daring sports outfits, kicking the footy and tackling each other, all while basking in the warm sunshine. It was one of those rare moments where time seemed to stand still and everything felt so pure and perfect. And to top it all off, nobody around us even suspected what we were filming!

I cherish every moment spent on set. Being a part of the adult entertainment scene has been such a fulfilling experience, and I'm grateful for every opportunity that has come my way. I wouldn't change a single thing about my journey so far, and I'm excited for what's to come.

At first, I was hesitant to create my own porn. I wasn't confident enough in my abilities, and I held myself to incredibly high standards. But as time went on, I began to realize that creativity is not about being perfect - it's about expressing yourself in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling. So, in late 2022, I decided to throw caution to the wind and dive headfirst into video production.

It's been an incredible journey! As I practice on the job and experiment with different techniques, I find myself constantly surprised by what I can create. Creativity is all about exploring the unknown and pushing the boundaries of what you thought was possible. It's about taking risks and embracing the imperfections that make something truly unique.

In the end, I've discovered that creativity is not something that can be forced or manufactured. It's an ever-evolving process that comes naturally when you're open to new ideas and willing to take chances. And while it may not always be easy or perfect, it's always worth the effort - because there's nothing more rewarding than creating something that's truly your own.

Collaboration requests open:


  • Only open to requests from Women (cis and trans), and NB people

  • Must have an active fansite for the past 6 months OR have shot professionally

Please send me an email with the title “COLLABORATIONS” to get in contact to make some movie magic together.

Do you like it studio?

Or homemade?